Office Admin Wednesday (oh and cake!)

Office Admin Wednesday (oh and cake!)

It has been getting colder in the Lakes over the last week or so and today as I drove to work I noticed for the first time this Autumn, the snow covered tops of the fells around Grasmere.  I really hope that this does not mean we will be in for a bad winter. So today...


Can you believe that it is actually 5 weeks until Christmas Day!  I really can’t and must start to get myself organised for the big day. Wrapping Christmas presents is something I actually enjoy believe it or not! I’m quite happy being left to my own devices and...
Heidi’s Café Doggy Wall of Fame

Heidi’s Café Doggy Wall of Fame

So what started out as a bit of a crazy idea a few months after we purchased our café this summer, has grown into the proud wall that we have created today – the Doggy Wall of Fame.  I can remember the very first time I anxiously approached a couple sitting in our...
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